Top Resources -
Comprehensive software testing resource site associated with 'Better Software'
Magazine, with articles, news, information on software testing and quality
engineering, books, tools, conferences, message boards.
Cem Kaner's software
testing site - Cem Kaner's site contains a large selection of
his articles about software testing, legal issues, test management, and more
(see the 'Publications' section of the site). Also see his''
website , a consumer and legal-issues orientation to software
quality issues.
Metrics and Productivity Institute Archives - Large collection
of software engineering articles by various authors; most of the articles are
related to software QA; site maintained by Computer Aid, Inc. Articles cover
such subjects as project management, process, metrics, estimation, software
maintenance, IT governance, etc.
Software Engineering Institute web site; info about SEI technical programs,
publications, bibliographies, some online documents, SEI courses and training,
links to related sites.
European Organization for Quality - Software Group, an independent
not-for-profit organization founded in 1983. It is comprised of more than 30
national quality organizations and other institutions, enterprises and
American Society for Quality - American
Society for Quality (formerly the American Society for Quality Control) web
site; geared to quality issues in general, not just Software QA. ASQ is the
largest quality organization in the world, with more than 100,000 members.
Provides a wide variety of general quality-related certifications, as well as
the CSQE (Certified Software Quality Engineer).
for Software Testing - A nonprofit professional organization
dedicated to advancing the understanding and practice of software testing. For
scholars, students, and software development practitioners. Sponsors
conferences, publications, web sites, newsletter.
Global Institute - QAI is a global workforce development and
consulting organization addressing the education and 'Operational Excellence'
needs of information technology, information technology enabled organizations
and knowledge intensive organizations.
Information on associated QAI local chapters around the world can be found via their QAI Chapters site.
Information on associated QAI local chapters around the world can be found via their QAI Chapters site.
Software Process Improvement Network, for those interested in improving
software engineering practices. Organized into regional groups called
"SPINs" that meet and share their experiences initiating and
sustaining software process improvement programs. Annual meeting at the
Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG) Conference, which is co-sponsored by
the SEI and a regional SPIN. Web site lists links to regional SPINs worldwide.
Society for Software
Quality - Has chapters in San Diego and Washington DC area;
each with monthly meetings.
Northern Virginia
Test Automation Interest Group - Monthly meetings on software
test automation in the Washington DC area.
Software Quality Association of Denver - software QA monthly meetings and an
annual conference, in Denver, Colorado.
Twin Cities Quality Assurance Association of Minneapolis and St. Paul,
Minnesota. Has monthly meetings.
Southern California
Quality Assurance Association - Software QA organization with
chapters in the U.S. in the Los Angeles area including in Los Angeles, Orange
County, San Fernando Valley, and Inland Empire.
Seattle Area Software Quality Assurance Group
Vancouver Canada area association for software quality assurance and testing.
Software QA/Testing group with monthly meetings in Kitchener-Waterloo region
(Ontario, Canada).
Information for Software QA and Test Engineers:
ISTQB Certified Tester -
The International Software Testing Qualifications Board, based in Belgium, was
initially a part of the European Organization for Quality - Software Group.
Certifications and testing are administered by ISTQB organizations in each of a
number of countries around the world. Multiple certification levels are
available, including: Foundation, Advanced, and Expert.
CSQE - ASQ (American Society for Quality)
CSQE (Certified Software Quality Engineer) program - information on
requirements, outline of required 'Body of Knowledge', listing of study
references and more.
Software Testing Certifications - The British Computer Society
Information Systems Examinations Board (ISEB) maintains a program of several
levels of testing certifications.
The American Software Testing Qualifications Board is a branch of the ISTQB
Certifications are based on experience and a written test. Two primary levels
are available: Foundation and Advanced. The 'Advanced' level has multiple types
of certifications.
QAI Global Institute's program for CSQA (Certified Software Quality Analyst),
CSTE (Certified Software Tester), and Certified Software Project Manager
(CSPM), Certified Associate in Software Quality (CASQ), and many other
Software QA and Testing
Conferences Listing - North American and
International conferences listing maintained by Zephyr/D Software Inc.
Listing - Danny Faught's Conferences Listing page (worldwide).
Conference/Events Listing - Worldwide
testing conferences listing along with other testing-related events, seminars,
etc at Test Events web site.
Tea Time
With Testers Magazine - Free online testing magazine available
as PDF file; web site includes back issues.
Tester Magazine - Bi-monthly testing publication from
Professional Tester Inc. Free access to PDF version, archive, individual
articles and news and events agenda.
STQA Magazine - Software Test and QA
Magazine from BZ Media. No access to articles without registering on site.
Software Quality
Professional Magazine - Published by the American Society for
Quality; web site includes table of contents and abstracts of all articles, and
full text of selected articles.
Better Software Magazine - Web site has
full text of each print issue's featured article. Published by Software Quality
Engineering, Inc.
IT Metrics and
Productivity Journal - Free on-line publication from Computer
Aid, Inc. covering best practices in software development, maintenance, and
management, process, metrics, estimation, IT governance, etc. See site's
'archive' link for large collection of past articles.
Methods and
Tools - Software Methods and Tools e-newsletter web site by
Martinig and Associates; regular articles are included on process improvement,
testing, modeling, management, etc. Site includes current issues and past
issues with full text of all articles; as well as extensive additional
information and resources.
(Note: also see the 'Books' section
for a listing of books on Software QA, Testing, and related subjects.)
Testing Portal - Testing articles and blogs from Thoughtworks.
Reflections - Site run by Antony Marcano that aggregates
software testing-related blog posts from a wide variety of sources.
testers' blog - Public blog site for Google's testers.
(Although the site does not seem to have been updated or added to since late
2011, there are many useful blog posts.)
Value of Checklists and the Danger of Scripts - Presentation at
CAST 2008 by Cem Kaner. Summary of the presentation available from his blog,
and a link to the pdf file of the presentation.
Software Engineering: An Idea Whose Time Has Come and
Gone? - An interesting 2009 article from 'IEEE Software' by Tom
DeMarco in which he indicates, among other things, that his early ideas and
advice regarding quantified work, project planning, and metrics for software
projects - such as those in his 1982 book 'Controlling Software Projects:
Management, Measurement, and Estimation', may have been wrong.
Exploring Exploratory Testing - Article
by Cem Kaner and Andy Tinkham from 2003 about the exploratory testing approach
to software testing; includes discussions of questioning strategies and
Exploratory Testing Explained - Article by James Bach
on exploratory testing; includes attributes of a software project and tester
that impact decisions on testing approaches, exploratory testing examples, etc.
Pass vs. Fail vs. Is There a Problem Here -
Interesting blog article on testing vs checking and the issues in 'pass/fail'
type testing and reporting, from 2009 in Michael Bolton's DevelopSense blog.
How to write near-perfect software - An
old but still highly relevant long article in Fast Company about how software
was developed for the U.S. Space Shuttle. "The group's most important creation
is not the perfect software they write -- it's the process they invented that
writes the perfect software."
G. Weinberg's Collection of QA Articles - Jerry
Weinberg's site has a section with a collection of some of his QA-related
articles; site also includes sections with articles on thinking, leadership,
and software projects, and more.
Tom Gilb Web Site - Site includes a large
collection of articles, papers, course slides, etc concerning risk, metrics,
and other QA-related software engineering topics.
Negligence and Testing Coverage - Article by Cem Kaner contains
an old but still very informative list of 101 types of testing coverage
measures; shows the complexities in any discussion of 'testing coverage'.
Selected quotes of interest from the article: "Even if you achieve complete
coverage for a given population of tests (such as, all lines of code tested),
you have not done complete, or even adequate, testing." and "The
decision as to whether to try for 1%, 10%, 50% or 100% coverage against any
given population is non-obvious. It involves tradeoffs based on thoughtful
What is a Test Architect? - Discussion re
test architects at the blog site of Microsoft's Alan Page.
RBCS Testing articles - RBCS Consulting
Services web site's collection of software testing articles on a wide variety
of testing-related subjects.
Software Testing Online Resources/MTSU - a well-organized site with listings of
many links to software QA and testing-related web sites. Usenet News Group -
Via Google Groups web site (formerly the Deja News site), can be used to search
through past postings; postings go back to 1995.
in Scientific Software - Article titled 'The T experiments:
errors in scientific software' by Les Hatton; old but still alarming article
from 1997.
Certifications and Standards impacting Embedded Software -
Article from Dr Dobb's Portal from September 2006, discussing standards such as
DO-178B "Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment
Certification", IEC 61508 for safety-related systems, FIPS 140-2 re
"Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules", HIPPAA, etc.
Certifications -
Cem Kaner's perspective on software testing certifications from a 2007 article
- includes a discussion of a proposed 'Open Certification Process'; section 3
of the paper has a long discussion of "Project Manager’s Perspective:
Problems With the Current Certification System"
'Good programmer' definitions/discussions -
Since testers and developers often need to work closely together, and since
many testers also do some programming, it is helpful to get some perspective on
'what is a good programmer'. Also see the discussion in the old Joel on Software forum..
Consulting Group publications - Good collection of QA and
Testing related articles from WSR consulting, a computer crisis/litigation
consulting company. The articles have an emphasis on proper management of
problem projects and engineering-customer relationships for software projects.
Practical Software and
Systems Measurement - Web site with extensive information on
software development metrics, sponsored by U.S. government. Site contains
articles, reports, examples, and a free PC-based software tool to assiste in
project-specific metrics development.
Software Estimation - December 2005
interview about software metrics and estimation from the IT Metrics and
Productivity Journal .
Software Project Estimation - Good
introductory article covering the basic issues of software project estimation,
from the Software Productivity Centre in Vancouver.
Education Articles - Collection of articles on software testing
and the teaching of software testing from the Florida Institute of Technology
funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation.
Experts' site - Software engineering site oriented to
microcontroller/embedded system environments, by Eberhard De Wille and Dana
Vede. Site has sections on design, coding, refactoring, process, and a large
section on testing.
'IT Infrastructure Library' - a set of best-practices guides on the management
and provision of operational IT Services. From the British Office of Gevernment
Commerce and the itSMF, the 'IT Service Management Forum' a UK-based
organization comprised of 1000 companies and government organizations
worldwide. There is a related ISO/IEC 20000 Standard against which
organizations can be assesses and certified. An online organizationalITIL
Service Management Self Assessment is available. There is a good summary of the ITIL approach in
Big Ball
of Mud - Outstanding essay on the 'de-facto standard software
architecture', by Briane Foote and Joseph Yoder of the U. of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign. The 'Big Ball of Mud' architecture is defined as 'a casually,
even haphazardly, structured system. Its organization, if one can call it that,
is dictated more by expediency than design....The overall structure of the
system may never have been well defined. If it was, it may have eroded beyond
recognition.' They discuss why this architecture is so popular, advantages and
disadvantages, and what can be done to improve such systems.
The Frameworks Quagmire - Old but still
relevant article by Sarah A. Sheard summarizing and exploring the conflicts and
complexities among various software process standards existing in the late
1990's - CMMi, SW-CMM, SDCE, Trillium, IEEE, FAA-iCMM, EIA-632, NATO-AQAP,
MIL-STD-498, ISO/IEC-12207, ISO-9000, etc.
Web Site - James Bach's Web Site with a great
collection of his articles on various aspects of software testing.
Web Site - Web site of Michael Bolton, who collaborates with
James Bach, has a large collection of articles and blog postings with
interesting perspectives on software testing.
Bret Pettichord's
Web Site - Web site of Bret Pettichord with articles and links
to various test and QA-related info including his Watir open source web testing
BetaSoft Web Site -
Wide variety of QA, testing, and automated testing discussion forums, sections
for jobs and resumes, other resources. -
QA and Testing information, discussion forums, other resources.
Software Quality - TechTarget's software QA and testing site
with a collection of articles, tutorials, blogs, and news.
Illustrative Risks to the Public in the Use of Computer
Systems - Enormous list of software, system, and related
problems compiled by Peter Neumann/SRI International. Organized by categories
such as space, defense, medical, stock market, elections, insurance,
cryptography, etc. Includes related book list, other information. (Also see
'Risks Digest' listed below.)
Process Improvement Case Study Featuring Reviews and
Inspections - Article titled 'Process Improvement: Case Study
of an Improvement Program Featuring Reviews and Inspections' in Software
Quality Professional magazine.
Will Bugs Eat Up the U.S. Lead in Software? -
Bloomberg/Business Week (International Edition) article comparing present state
of U.S. software industry to U.S. automobile industry in the 1970's, when Japan
took away huge market share with better and cheaper products by adopting
Deming's and Juran's quality approaches. Discusses a possible repeat with the
current US software industry losing software development market share to
countries such as India. Entire issue and cover story reports on software
problems - discussion of past problems, problems with software engineering, and
possible fixes. Also see similar Infoweek
article - 'The Big Picture: Killer Apps And Dead Bodies'.
ARIANE 5 Flight 501 Failure Report by the Inquiry Board -
A rare and instructive detailed public analysis of a major software failure -
the 1996 launch failure of the new Ariane 5 rocket. This is the official report
of the inquiry board appointed by the French National Center for Space Studies
and the European Space Agency. Also see the article 'Design by Contract: The Lessons of Ariane' which
includes a discussion of the code reuse issues brought to light by the Ariane 5
FAQ - FAQ site for a programming approach, based on the ideas
of Bertrand Meyer, with the goal of improving software component reusability,
extendibility and reliability using assertions, preconditions, and
Internationalization Testing - Article at
Oracle/Sun's web site; includes guidelines and good check list of questions for
testing an internationalized software product.
Risks Digest -
Digest of the 'Forum on Risks to the Public in Computers and Related Systems'.
Includes latest issue and archives covering software and system problems,
vulnerabilities, disasters; based on the comp.risks newsgroup.
Capability Maturity Models - SEI's CMMI web site, with info and
documentation downloads on the CMMI for Development and the CMMI for
Acquisition models.
Construx Software
Resources - Site with many useful resources such as CxOne, a
lightweight, tailorable, modular, and scalable software engineering framework,
estimation info and resources, various checklists, and Steve McConnell's
'Software Survival Guide' website.
FAQ - Configuration Management FAQ edited by David Eaton;
includes 'What is CM?', 'How should a CM system relate to process
enforcement?', CM books and other resources, etc. Not updated in recent years
but still a useful FAQ.
Software Quality Hot List - Extensive collection of links to
many QA and testing-related articles, resources, etc.
Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA) -
Text of controversial proposed U.S. laws (formerly Uniform Commercial Code
Article 2B) concerning software quality. This would essentially implement new
laws in all 50 states in the U.S. Additional info on UCITA controversies at
Ralph Nader's CPT (Consumer Project on Technology) web site and
Cem Kaner's web site. . As of 2010,
only the states of Maryland and Virginia had enacted UCITA since it was first
proposed in 1999. In 2009 the American Law Institute proposed an alternative
version for software contracts but it resulted in similar controversy to UCITA.
FDA Medical Device Software Validation Guidelines -
U.S. Food and Drug Administration's 2002 guidelines for medical device software
Testing Resources - Excellent article by Cem Kaner about
testing project planning and budgeting; from a 1996 software quality conference
- old but still relevant.
Engineering Resources - Large collection of useful information
and links to many other sites and resources, all related to the SW engineering
process including project planning and management, metrics, risk analysis,
programming methods, OO SW engineering, testing, QA, CM. From R.S. Pressman,
author of the book 'Software Engineering, A Practitioner's Approach'.
Test Coverage Analysis article - Article containing a good
discussion of test coverage analysis from Bullseye Testing Technology, maker of
"C-Cover Test Coverage Analyzer" tool.
Object-Oriented Concepts - Basics of
object-oriented programming concepts, from Oracle's (formerly Sun's) Java site.
Good quick intro.
(Capability Maturity Model Integration) - A suite of process improvement
models for product and service development and maintenance. The suite includes
the CMMI-SW model, and there is a 'staged' and 'continuous' version. Each of
the CMMI models can be coordinated with other CMMI models to enable
enterprise-wide process improvement. CMMI-SW builds on the previous SW-CMM
model which was 'sunsetted'.
TMMi -
The TMMi is being developed as a method for assessing and rating organizations'
testing process capabilities. The TMMi foundation was formed from the
perspective that CMMi was mainly about software development and less about QA
process. There is a TMMi Reference Model and a set of requirements for building
assessment models.
The FAQ - The FAQ; maintained by Raymond Rivest; resource for
testing-related conferences, mailing lists, books, periodicals, organizations,
and links to other sites. Not maintained in recent years but still useful.
Manifesto for
Agile Software Development - The origin of the 'Agile' approach
and the twelve guiding principles of agile software development.
Agile Testing Articles - Large collection of articles
related to Agile testing at Agile Alliance web site.
Agile Methodologies - Martin Fowler's
online discussion of 'agile' methodologies (XP, Scrum, Crystal, FDD, DSDM,
etc.) includes summaries of various approaches as well as reference
information, and factors to consider in choosing these approaches.
Perils and Pitfalls of Agile Adoption -
Article by Matt Heuser at InformIT site, includes discussion of risks such as
that agile methods are easy to misunderstand, that it's easy to think you're
doing Agile right, and be wrong, and that agile methods make value (or lack of
value) visible.
Agile Testing - What is it? Can it work? -
PDF version of an article by Bret Pettichord that summarizes considerations and
issues in testing in agile environments.
An Uncomfortable Truth about Agile Testing -
Article by Jeff Patton on the StickyMinds site about some of the potential
difficulties of testing on an Agile project.
XP Resources -
Large collection of resources from Ron Jeffries about 'Extreme Programming'
including a discussion of how QA fits into the XP approach, XP Magazine
archives with articles such as 'Test-First Design', 'Incremental Requirements',
'Extreme Programming and the CMM', and more. Also see 'The Rules and Practices
of Extreme Programming ' at the web
XP in
a Safety-Critical Environment - Interesting article by Mary and
Tom Poppendieck concerning the applicability of XP practices in safety-critical
software development.
Scrum -
web site of which describes the basics of the Scrum agile
approach, a team-based agile approach to iteratively, incrementally develop
software with rapidly changing requirements; has lots of articles and other
Seven Steps to Test Automation Success - Good
introductory article on how to approach automated testing; by Bret Pettichord.
Automation Resources - Test automation presentations, articles
and resources from the Northern Virginia Test Automation Interest Group monthly
meeting summaries ('Recent past meetings' link on site main page).
of Test Automation - Long article on test automation by Cem
Kaner, includes discussions on GUI regression testing, maintainability, a
classification scheme for test automation, an automation evaluation scheme,
'test automation' vs 'computer assisted testing' and more.
Test Automation Snake Oil - Old but still
relevant article by James Bach about how to approach test automation.
Test Tools for Free - Short article by
Danny Faught discussing some free test tools, along with the basics of
'freeware', and information on a testing freeware newsletter.
(Note: Many free web testing tools are also included among the web testing tools listed in the Web Test Tools page. )
(Note: Many free web testing tools are also included among the web testing tools listed in the Web Test Tools page. )
Performance Testing articles - Extensive collection of how-to
and other information on performance testing at Scott Barber's web site.
Evaluating and Choosing the Right Tool -
Elisabeth Hendrickson describes a five-step process for comparing, evaluating,
and choosing the right test tool; from the web site. -
Site for test/development engineers using JUnit or one of the other XUnit
testing frameworks. Has many useful articles and resources on automated Java
regression testing and on 'agile' testing processes in general.
Java GUI Testing - Short discussion of
automated Java GUI testing issues, includes interesting discussion of methods
of identifying a component in a GUI hierarchy for use in developing automated
test scripts.
See the 'Tools' section
for test tool listings and the 'Web
Tools' section for web site testing tools.
See the Bookstore section on
Automation for books on test automation.
Test Your Mobile Web Apps with WebDriver -
From the Open Source at Google blog - discussion of how to write automated
tests to test a site when viewed from an Android or iOS browser. The WebDriver
web testing framework includes a touch API that allows a test to interact with
a web page through finger taps, flicks, finger scrolls, and long presses. It
can rotate the display and provides an API to interact with HTML5 features such
as local storage, session storage and application cache.
Mobile Wireless Test Automation - Site
with a collection of information by Julian Harty on practical experiences in automating
aspects of software testing for mobile wireless applications; also has
information on effective mobile manual testing. Includes testing techniques for
iPhone, Android, SMS; and information on common tools, app testing over WiFi,
more. Also has links to some presentations and tutorials and lists of other
Mobile Application Security Testing -
Whitepaper from Foundstone/McAfee about mobile app security testing.
Mobile App security Articles - Articles
and whitepapers on mobile app security from Denim Group's web site.
MobiForge -
Testing - MobiForge mobile development community web site
section on mobile software testing.
Application Testing blog - Mobile app testing blog by Anurag
Web Development Resources - Mobile web development resources
including some testing resources and standards resources, etc.
See the 'Mobile Web/App Testing Tools' section of
the Web Test Tools List page for mobile testing tools.
Why Load Testing Ajax is Hard - Article by
Patrick Lightbody on the Ajaxian blog site from December 2008 on the challenges
of load testing sites incorporating Ajax.
Web Site Testing Checklist - More of a
web site development checklist, but it is extensive and still useful as a way to
generate ideas for testing a web site.
Testing Guidance for Web Applications - Online 18-chapter guide
for an end-to-end approach for implementing web performance testing. Part of
the Performance Testing Guidance Project web site. Covers: managing and
conducting performance testing in both Agile and structured environments; load
testing, stress testing, and other types of performance related testing;
identifying objectives, designing tests, executing tests, analyzing results,
and reporting. Published 2007 but still useful.
Site Performance Testing - A collection of useful information
on various aspects of performance testing, from Scott Barber's web site. Topics
include: "Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Performance
Bottlenecks", "Common Performance Testing Challenges", "How
Fast is Fast Enough", and "Introduction to Performance Testing".
Although some of the information is not specifically oriented to web
performance testing, it is still highly applicable.
Load Testing Of Web Sites - Article from
IEEE Internet Computing about web load testing; useful overview from 2002.
Keynote Systems Resources Page - Useful collection of
articles and information on web site performance testing. Also see the related site performance indices which lists a
variety of business, consumer, government, and other web sites along with their
'performance index'.
Evaluating Web
Sites for Accessibility - Article on the World Wide Web
Consortium web site's 'Web Accessibility Initiative' section on how to assess
and test web sites for accessibility issues.
Handling and Avoiding Web Page Errors -
Three part series from Microsoft site; covers sources of common Web page
errors, how to handle run-time script errors, and techniques for avoiding
preventable errors. Old but still useful. -
Web site security guidelines and information from the StopBadware site, based
at Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society.
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is dedicated to finding and
fighting the causes of insecure software. Everything available in site is free
and open source. 'How To' section includes 'Guide to Building Secure Web
Applications and Web Services', 'Testing Guide', 'Code Review Guide'. Also
security news, articles such as 'How to Write Insecure Code', tools, code,
filters, downloads, and more.
Audit FAQ - Good introductory information from IsecT Ltd. on
'Computer Audit', which refers to the analysis of computer systems and networks
by examining the effectiveness of their technical and procedural controls
(information security control systems) to minimise risks. Also has links to
other resources, and some articles such as 'Strategic Approach to Information
Security Management'
SANS Security Resources - Web site of
SANS (SysAdmin, Audit, Network, and Security Institute), a cooperative research
and education organization for sysadmins, security professionals, and network
administrators for sharing lessons learned and solutions. Includes and
Instrusion Detection FAQ; more than 1500 white papers on security; webcasts;
security trends, top security risks, and much more are freely available.
Searchable, downloadable, and on-the-web 'Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures'
list hosted by Mitre Corp. CVE goal is to standardize the names for all
publicly known vulnerabilities and security exposures, so that security
information can be efficiently shared and handled. Many security test tools are
utilizing or planning on utilizing this standardized naming/numbering system.
Common Attack
Pattern and Enumeration - CAPEC is a publicly available,
community-developed list of common attack patterns (descriptions of common
methods for exploiting software systems), with a comprehensive schema and
classification taxonomy. By MITRE Corporation.
W3 Security
Resources - Large collection of information and resources on
web security, including an FAQ, hosted by the W3C Consortium (the folks who set
web standards/protocols, etc.)
Security Site - Microsoft's web site for discussion of security
issues for MS products, including their web server products. Includes security
self-assessment information, home and business security information, etc.
Focus.Com - Site from Symantec for news, forums, resources,
vulnerability info, conference info, tools, etc. related to computer security
including web and internet security issues. Search vulnerability database by
keywords, date, vendor, version, etc.
Computer Emergency
Response Team site - CERT's internet security web site;
includes web server security information; hosted by the Software Engineering
Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
Prioritizing Web Usability - PDF chapter
from 2006 book on Web Usability by Jakob Nielsen and Hoa Loranger. -
Web site with a large collection of web usability resources, information, and
guidelines. Although the site was developed by the U.S. federal government for
use by various federal agencies, the site is a resource available to anyone.
User Interface
Engineering - Web site of User Interface Engineering Inc.,
founded by Jared M. Spool. Many articles on web site and product usability,
such as 'Web Application Form Design', 'Seven Common Usability Testing Mistakes',
'5 Things to Know about Users', and more. -
Jakob Nielsen's web usability website with such articles as 'How Users Read on
the Web", 'Costs of User Testing', and 'Differences between Print Design
and Web Design'.
resources list - Jeff Johnson's listing of
usability design and testing resources
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